Healing effect of Nature Photographs
Are you mentally burned out? Lie on the lap of Mother Nature & soak in the visually vibrant sights! Isn’t it wonderful to spend some quality time outdoors? You might ask why. Well, the benefits include best mood, improved vision, better self-awareness, peaceful mental-state or mindfulness, and quality improvement of mental health!
Portraits, pictures or visual images speak volumes by giving a sense of being at places where you cannot be at this moment, yet you want to somehow! If you don’t have the time & luxury to backpack & hike or trek, get the next best thing! And that is? You might ask! Beautiful natural landscape portraits showcasing nature or greenery: the answer to this elusive question! Well, for time being, this will surely workout. Why don’t you try it out! For your efforts, you might be rewarded with limited edition photography prints, museum quality photography prints, or large format photography prints!
What do researchers say?
New studies focusing on this area highlights the fact that looking at still images of nature serves as a natural stimulus, which lowers stress level & anxiety. Want to feel fresh with raised energy levels & alertness? Strengthen your connection with nature! It’s fascinating to note that time spent in nature makes you feel alive, excited, and bubbly! Say bye to mental-fatigue, keep your stress levels as per body needs & boost the immune system, while spending time with Mother Nature.
Keenly looking or glancing any images, photos, and portraits containing nature settles a person’s nerves, according to various studies. Certain findings reported in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, suggest that a few snapshots of greenery in your eye-line around the work-desk work wonders with your overall performance! “Viewing green scenes help relaxation and recovery after experiencing a stressful period” according to the journal authors, “and thereby could serve as an opportunity for micro-restorative experiences and a promising tool in preventing chronic stress & stress-related diseases.” Viewing greenery has a calming influence on people, as per the studies.
Researchers at the University of Queensland published a study in 2014, which found that natural greenery in the form of potted plants boosted productivity by around 12% to 15%. If situations demand some alternative to potted plants, go with nature portraits, pictures, or images in your cubicle!
Stay Connected with Mother Nature!